Sunday, November 13, 2011

Raoul Hausmann Biography I: Convinced follower of Expressionism, and leader of Daddaism.

Hausman, vienna born, and german raised; was very interested in the Expressionist movement.  After seeing expressionist paintings in 1912 at Herwarth Walden's gallery (which was called Der Sturm), Hausmann started to produce expressionist prints in Erich Heckel's studio.
Psychogramm, 1917 (One of Hausmann's expressionist paintings)

  Along with his drive for painting, philosophy and literature sparked Hausmann's interest as well.  This interest led him to write and publish several articles and poems in cultural magazines, one of which included Walden's magazine Der Sturm, where Hausmann actually held a steady job for a while.  Hausman published for other magazines "Die Aktion" until he came across the Dadaist thinking and ideas, and contemporary literature in 1917.  The next year, some of the first Dada soirées took place, and Hausman was one to participate.

*On a side note, Hausmann did marry.  He met Elfride Schaeffer, a violinist, who he married in 1908, and gave birth to their daughter Vera.

>>>Dada Soirees were exhibitions of Dada art by artists who's new wave thinking and ideas were not accepted in the art world.  they included live performances and already completed art.  There are still organizations today that keep the Soiree Dada movement alive.

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